Café d'Ethiopie

Ethiopia coffee

Do you know that Ethiopia is the motherland of our Arabica, the GRAAL ?

The high volcanic plateaus of the south east of the country are its land of origin before its conquest of the intertropical zone of our planet. Our dear shrub grows there wildly, in the forests, under the protective cover of huge trees. In these grandiose landscapes we can go to coffee as we go to mushrooms.

Our Grail comes from this region, it is cultivated by Mr. Biranhu whom I had the chance to meet in January 2021 after long hours of driving from Addis Ababa. Roads that gradually turn into an orange and chaotic track as we gain altitude and our smile widens. This elegant and reserved man cultivates his coffee trees with care and precision, in his garden, among the banana trees of Abyssinia.

It is without doubt the coffee that struck me the most among all the coffees that I tasted. Unusual aromas, a subtlety, a complexity that cannot leave anyone indifferent.


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